Frequently Asked Questions


Will there be additional lessons before the Common Test (CA) and Semestral Exams (SA)?


The tutor will arrange for extra classes. The day and time will depend on the consensual agreement within the group. Do also note that two weeks prior to the CA and three weeks before the SA there may be some adjustments to your  regular tuition schedule.

What if I am unable to attend tuition?


 Student may attend a  replacement lesson on another day of the week or postponed to another day within the next two week.   There will be no refund of tuition fee (except under special circumstances),

When is tuition fee  collected?


Tuition fee is collected on the first lesson of every month.

If a students commence lesson anytime after the first week of the month, the tuition fee will be pro-rated for that month. For the month of May & October, tuition fee will be pro-rated as there will be no classes after exams. As for November & December tuition fee will also be pro-rated due to the school holidays.

Are there any additional fee to be paid?


None. There is no deposit, administrative fee or miscellaneous fee. However from time-to-time the tutor may recommend additional study material and the student is given the option to purchase at their own expense.

Are there lessons on public holidays?


There will be NO lessons during gazetted Public Holidays.  Students in Singapore and Malaysia will follow their respective country’s public holiday.

Are there any break during the year?


There will be a break after the mid-year exam (SA 1) for two/three weeks (depending on the student’s exam schedule) until  the end of May and another break after the end-of-year exam (SA 2) for four weeks  (Except O-Level students) until the 2nd week of November.